UD8.0, chevy lv 1.1 ghz kernel
overclocked to 800mhz
have profiles set up for heat..battery...screen off etc...and Im loving the battery life compared to my ss4.7 with chevy mv 1.0ghz clocked to 1ghz. And my phone LOVES the cooler temps for sure.
occasionally Im getting a force close pop up that says android.acore
and I force close....no biggie...then it loads my homescreen like normal.
Also occasionally I get "error loading widget" with my calendar widget and my beautiful widget home weather.
I go to lockscreen, unlock...everything redraws fine.
Any suggestions...I tried fix permissions...still does it occasionally. By occasionally I mean like 2-5 times a day.
overclocked to 800mhz
have profiles set up for heat..battery...screen off etc...and Im loving the battery life compared to my ss4.7 with chevy mv 1.0ghz clocked to 1ghz. And my phone LOVES the cooler temps for sure.
occasionally Im getting a force close pop up that says android.acore
and I force close....no biggie...then it loads my homescreen like normal.
Also occasionally I get "error loading widget" with my calendar widget and my beautiful widget home weather.
I go to lockscreen, unlock...everything redraws fine.
Any suggestions...I tried fix permissions...still does it occasionally. By occasionally I mean like 2-5 times a day.