Gameboid codebreaker/gameshark problem


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Jul 5, 2010
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Well after the new update for the Gameboid emulator came out with the built in codebreaker/gameshark, I was happy to know that I wouldn't have to jump through loops with transferring saved games and such. But now while trying to add a few codes to my Pokemon fire red game, I've neither yielded any results or i just corrupt the saved game. Can anyone help me use the gameboid cheats? im a little bit confused so any help is appreciated! cheers dancedroid
Well after the new update for the Gameboid emulator came out with the built in codebreaker/gameshark, I was happy to know that I wouldn't have to jump through loops with transferring saved games and such. But now while trying to add a few codes to my Pokemon fire red game, I've neither yielded any results or i just corrupt the saved game. Can anyone help me use the gameboid cheats? im a little bit confused so any help is appreciated! cheers dancedroid

Ive been wondering the same thing, if you enter in a code, say the M code and hit enter to save it as a cheat, it appears as two separate codes instead of the two-line M code. Very confusing :/
Gameboid Gameshark codes

Has anyone figured out how to use the gameshark codes in the games?
@ TwoBallz1Stryke-lol you made an account just to ask that question and i made one just to answer it lol. but here is the scoop on gameshark or action replay codes on gameboid.

for gameshark codes enter them entirely gameshark codes usually have 1`2 digit codes. (ex. 12345678 1234). For action replay codes they have a 16 digit code. (ex. 12345678 12345678). @AuxiliaryPie-It does that to simplify the code and let you know you entered the code right. Unfortunately there is no way to simply copy and paste because I've tried. But there is hope because im working on a file right now so you can copy and paste codes into notepad and simply change the name into the same name of the rom(ex. rom name is PokemonBlue, the .cht file has to be named PokemonBlue). I will also have detailed instructions as to how to save it as a .cht file. I hope this helped you both

FYI-to put gameshark codes in you have to put the whole code in, pressing enter after each line. heres and example-
12345678 1234(enter)
12345678 1234(enter)
12345678 1234(enter)
12345678 1234
after you complete and press ok it should look like this

[M] Must Be On
12345678 1234
[M] Must Be On
12345678 1234
[M] Must Be On
12345678 1234
[M] Must Be On
12345678 1234

For action replay codes its the same process as above enter the whole thing pressing enter after each line. it should look like this:

12345678 12345678(enter)
12345678 12345678(enter)
12345678 12345678(enter)
12345678 12345678

and after pressing ok it should like this on your screen:

12345678 12345678
12345678 12345678

and thats the way you enter the mastercode and any other codes
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can anyone send me a saved game thats just started with all three starter pokemon (bulbasaur, charmander,squirtle) and all legendary pokemon (celibi, rayquaza, mew, mewtwo, zapdos, articuno, moltres, lugia, ho oh, and entei, Raikou, and suicune) and a scizor on Pokemon Emerald??!! I would greatly appreciate it. I dont want to seem greedy here but i have spent hours and hours trying to find codes that work and i havent found anything so far that works. doing it through my comp is very difficult. I have a droid x if that matters at all. thank you dancedroid
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graphics errors with cheat codes

I am having a similar issue. I imputed the codes so that the game accepted them, but when it would execute, such as an encounter cheat, the graphics would mess up, but the resulting encounter creature wouldn't show. ex pokemon fire red, input bulbazar encounter near beginning area, a a rat pops up with some small graphics errors. sometimes the game would just crash.
is this a game error issue or a capability issue?
any help would be appreciated.
i'm having a hard time believing PanteraGrimmjow. i have followed the instructions perfectly and have used codes that i know work on a PC but they just do not seem to work on my gameboid emulator.
I signed up to help you all. First, upon entering the cheat itll automaticly be checked. If you want to activate that code rigjt away leave it checked or uncheck it. Secondly, i dont know what versions of each cheat engine are on the gameboid, so i cant tell you good cheats. I found some for pokemon fire red but forgot the site (sorry) and the game froze up on me when i entered the complete pokedex cheat so i had to delete them in order to keep playing. Also i know action replay v1.3 is not supported and and gameshark sp is not either. The hardest part of using the cheats is simply finding the correct ones, other than that all you have to do to activate a cheat is check the box in order of the cheat and starting with the master cheat.

Other games i found to work with cheats
Yu gi oh (most of them)
zelda minish cap
Pokemon E,R,S,FR,LG
Final fantasy (most of them)

I really, REALLY appreciate your help and effort. Please if you remember the site that worked, post it here! Thank you for giving the reason as to why cheats dont work...the only FR/LG cheat ive gotten to work is masterballs, and most of gbcoid cheats ive found work, probably because gbc is much simpler than gba and only has one or two versions of codes. Thanks again!
Well after the new update for the Gameboid emulator came out with the built in codebreaker/gameshark, I was happy to know that I wouldn't have to jump through loops with transferring saved games and such. But now while trying to add a few codes to my Pokemon fire red game, I've neither yielded any results or i just corrupt the saved game. Can anyone help me use the gameboid cheats? im a little bit confused so any help is appreciated! cheers dancedroid

I know this is alittle old but I stumbled across it while looking for codes for my fire red game. I have only managed to get a few codes properly working without crashing GameBoid on my Droid Razr M. I figured I would share them with everyone here.

Pokemon Fire Red

72BC6DFB E9CA5465

Buy rare candy in pokemart**
88CFA129 357400B2
51CF1F27 2E270374

Everything in Pokemart for $1**
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA

Buy Master Ball in PokeMart***
82003884 0001

* - These codes are entered in as whole but when saved on my device it is broken into 2 seperate saves.
EX: Name : Master
Code : xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
saves as :
xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx

** - Master Code must be active to use these!
*** - Master Code isnt needed. (just replaces the current ball sold at the market. However to only lets you buy one at a time. Just activate the Everything $1 code and you cann purchase x99 at a time)

TIP: Max Money : Activate MC, RARE CANDY,and EVERYTHING for $1, buy x999 Rare candies. Turn off Everything for $1 and resale the rare candies. You will recieve max money in a few moments of doing this. YOU HAVE TO TURN OFF EVERYTHING FOR $1 code if not the resale value is set at $0. Stupid i know but its simple turn on/off!