It took a while for me to figure out what's happening, but I'm pretty sure this describes it:
I'll get a phone call, and I choose not to answer it, so it goes to voicemail. However, what the caller hears is a couple of clicks ... and nothing. No voicemail ... and they hang up. The NEXT caller immediately gets connected to my voicemail (which DOES work for them), before their call even reaches my phone: It doesn't ring, and the call doesn't show up on the RECENT list.
It doesn't have anything to do with SETTINGS, I don't think. This happens infrequently ... all other calls work just the way they're supposed to.
I suspect this is a bug of some kind that I have no control over, but I'd love to know if it's happening to anyone else. And if there IS a way to fix it, that would just be icing on the cake.
I'll get a phone call, and I choose not to answer it, so it goes to voicemail. However, what the caller hears is a couple of clicks ... and nothing. No voicemail ... and they hang up. The NEXT caller immediately gets connected to my voicemail (which DOES work for them), before their call even reaches my phone: It doesn't ring, and the call doesn't show up on the RECENT list.
It doesn't have anything to do with SETTINGS, I don't think. This happens infrequently ... all other calls work just the way they're supposed to.
I suspect this is a bug of some kind that I have no control over, but I'd love to know if it's happening to anyone else. And if there IS a way to fix it, that would just be icing on the cake.