Free Unlimited Full Quality Photo and 4K Video Storage Included With Your Pixel Purchase


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Oct 6, 2011
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Power users always gripe and complain when there is no option for expandable removable storage. Google has never been one to include an sdcard slot on their phones. Now there isn't really a reason for such an archaic form of media storage. Google has decided to give away free unlimited storage for original quality photos and video backups. This means you will never get a pesky "out of storage" message from your phone again. Would this feature help you to decide to buy the Pixel or Pixel XL?

via TheVerge
Nope. All Nexus have this.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Google offering to buy my S7 Edge and giving me the money as credit towards a Pixel would get me to buy one immediately. FYI, I HATE the curved glass. Worst design ever. I regret deciding to give it a try thinking it would be ok and grow on me.
I am Scotch and thrifty. On Project Fi with Nexus 5X($199).
Was considering the XL but at $700 +, no wireless charging, or H2O resistance just to much $$. Not enough value for me.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk