Did you resolve your force close (market) issue..?
Just yesterday, flashed Molten 2.2 and 2.3, without any issues to my DX2..
YOU may try reflashing the ROM, be sure and erase data, and both cashe first..or you may have a bad zip file, try another download of the zip, if a second flashing doesn't work..
yah i flashed back to eclipse ah yah when i flashed it i wiped every thing it was nice rome just couldnt get past tha fc market deal. but now on eclipse iv got fc on my camera. same thing i wiped all and flash went smooth but just that one glitch. woundering about liberty 3 im just tryn diferent roms rite now lookn for tha one that suiets me. tryd cyanogenmod yesterday and couldnt get it to flash. sbf for nothin.
The new molten has a fix for market supposedly. I don't know which eclipse you have but on eclipserom forum they have a replacement camera that fixes that. CM7 has special install instructions to flash it, but you'll lose you hdmi mirroring. Liberty has problems too I didn't like it at all myself. It's slower than eclipse. Eclipse seems, to be the best at least that I've tried.