Force 2.1 Update


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
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The other night, I installed the leaked update for Froyo on both of my D1's. The next morning, I discovered VZW was starting OTA's. I took my personal D1 and rolled back to 2.0.1 following the common instructions for derooting a phone.

When I derooted my phone after testing something afew weeks ago, I got 2.1 instantly. Now it's been over 24 hours and I can't even get 2.1 OTA. Anyone know where I can find a legit copy of 2.1 for the droid that will atleast get me back to current, to where I can eventually get the OTA to Froyo?

I know VZW has stopped rolling Froyo out because they are doing a bug fix and coming up with an updated version. But has VZW just disabled all OTA updates?
You have to manually load 2.1 now. The file is available somewhere. Why did you remove 2.2?

Couple things I see.

1. Delete any taskiller. That is what is causing battery drain issues.
2. Redo any short cuts to new apps like Camera and redo them. Lost Camera App!

But I am waiting for OTA.
You have to manual load 2.1 now. The file is available somewhere. Why did you remove 2.2?

I didn't want to be left out of the OTA upgrades to 2.2. At this point, I've manually upgraded to 2.1 and then to 2.2. I'm leaving it where it is now. If I can't get the bug fix 2.2 OTA, I'll wait till somebody posts it and get it.