Fifa World Cup play is under way and all over the world it is a big thing but for us Americans (as a whole) soccer is not a sport we follow. Our interest has increased since the last world cup as you have a lot more sport's bars filled with people chanting "USA" (plus it helps that it takes place during the dead period in sports). But the moment we are no longer a contender for the cup bars will be empty until it is time to cheer for our favorite college and/or NFL teams. I am curious how many of you actually follow soccer other than the world cup. I will admit I don't, in fact it took me a moment to figure out what color uniforms we were wearing in today's game. The red Portugal wore looked kind of bright on the TVs at the sport's bar I was at so I ended up remaining silent until I had time to whip out my phone and go to to make sure I am cheering for the right team. Hey don't judge me. But once I got my bearings I actually got into the game, had a mouth full of pizza when we scored our second goal. Unfortunately we tied, which for us feels like a loss.
So are you Football or Futbol?
For those who are Football shout out your team (college and/or NFL).