New Member
OK, I had an HTc incredible that I rooted and hacked up and down. and worked fine..till it took a nose dive.
I was able to talk V(that carrier who shall remain nameless) into upgrading me to the droid x. Much to my chagrin I found out about the efuse lock a bit too late.
At any rate, I am now attempting to play with my X and try out a few "ROMS". FlyX sparked my interest.
I saw that one of the requirements was that you have to be running FROYO 2.2 leaked. now most of the postings I have seen with regard to this appear to be over a year old.
Here is my question, my X came with :
system version 2.3.151.MB810
Android Version 2.2
How does this affect my ability to load Flyx or any ROM for that matter? Is it possible to revert back to FROYO 2.2 without bricking the phone?
Are there any good tutorials for doing so?
I tried doing this out of the box last weekend and the phone just froze on the "M" . I did a couple of battery pulls and got it working, but that experience just got my sphincter a little too tight for my taste.
any advice or direction from those experienced with the droid X would be helpful.
I was able to talk V(that carrier who shall remain nameless) into upgrading me to the droid x. Much to my chagrin I found out about the efuse lock a bit too late.
At any rate, I am now attempting to play with my X and try out a few "ROMS". FlyX sparked my interest.
I saw that one of the requirements was that you have to be running FROYO 2.2 leaked. now most of the postings I have seen with regard to this appear to be over a year old.
Here is my question, my X came with :
system version 2.3.151.MB810
Android Version 2.2
How does this affect my ability to load Flyx or any ROM for that matter? Is it possible to revert back to FROYO 2.2 without bricking the phone?
Are there any good tutorials for doing so?
I tried doing this out of the box last weekend and the phone just froze on the "M" . I did a couple of battery pulls and got it working, but that experience just got my sphincter a little too tight for my taste.
any advice or direction from those experienced with the droid X would be helpful.