Flatcons are compatible with most third party replacement launchers (Apex, Nova, Holo, ADW). Optimized for high resolution devices and look amazing on tablets and phones alike. At 144x144 these vector icons also scale down to look just as sharp on smaller screens.
Compatible with Apex, Nova, Holo, ADW and Action launchers. May work on other launchers, I just haven't tested them.
Fully skins Apex Launcher(ADW skin support coming soon)
How to apply:
Apex Launcher
Menu> Apex settings> Theme settings> Choose Icons> Apply
Nova Launcher
Menu> Nova Settings> Look and feel> Icon Theme> Select Icons
ADW Launcher
Menu> ADW Settings> Themes> Select Icons> Apply
Holo Launcher
Launcher Settings> Appearance Settings> Select Icons
To change icons on your homescreen:
Long press app icon then select edit, then tap the icon and select the icon pack from the menu that pops up
ADW users: Double tap desktop icons to edit.
Black (NEW!)
Please note that I have released black on Google Play for $1.00. Downloading from the link above is 100% free, but if you love Flatcons and are feeling generous, have at 'em.