Fission download?


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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I'm having a hell of a time finding a Fission download link. I would really like to try this rom. Maybe I am just blind, but I can't find it. Any help?
Cool got it. Thanks man. Are there any other themes beside the ones that are in the FRM?

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I bought FRM full by donation, but if I click on List Downloads, doesn't show me any rom. It just listes AddOns and the category RomManager.

Is there anything I can do? I also tried a reinstallation, which doesn't help.

I bought FRM full by donation, but if I click on List Downloads, doesn't show me any rom. It just listes AddOns and the category RomManager.

Is there anything I can do? I also tried a reinstallation, which doesn't help.
That's odd; you should be seeing the categories in this order: Rom, Theme, HotFix (if applicable), and AddOn. Are you sure you followed the correct link from the donation page and downloaded the correct .apk? I know you donated, but maybe try installing the Lite version for now and see if the ROMs are listed.
I uninstalled the full version and installed the lite edition. But I only get the AddOn section.

Maybe it's because I have a Milestone 2 not a Droid 2?
I uninstalled the full version and installed the lite edition. But I only get the AddOn section.

Maybe it's because I have a Milestone 2 not a Droid 2?

Probably! ROMs are device-specific, and the Milestone 2 and Droid 2 are not identical devices! Be thankful that you weren't able to download and thus install the ROM because may otherwise have a bricked phone. :icon_eek:
I have a D2G and installed FRM lite and get nothing but a blank screen with show list on the bottom what am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
I've had FRM on my phone for months, when I try to open and list downloads, I see nothing. Is anyone having the same problem? Is it their server having problems?

Sent from my DROID2
I've had FRM on my phone for months, when I try to open and list downloads, I see nothing. Is anyone having the same problem? Is it their server having problems?

You're right. This is new; it was working for me just yesterday. Let's hope this means they're working on an update!
Good, glad its not only me. I'm sure it'll be up soon.

Sent from my DROID2
I've had FRM on my phone for months, when I try to open and list downloads, I see nothing. Is anyone having the same problem? Is it their server having problems?

Sent from my DROID2

team defuse site is down as well
Same as above. Kinda wondering if that means Ang threw in the towel. Anybody know anything about the other options out there? I went Fission and never looked back when I got the D2; now I guess we have to consider Liberty or one of the others...
The ROM manager is up again now, loads the list again like before... it looks like a couple new themes were added, but nothing for a later Fission.