First Timer with Cyanogen, and I need some questions answered


Jan 10, 2010
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Well I'm sure im not the first one to say im switching over from UD but I need help here

1. Okay, so I have ROM Manager, I don't need the premium version to do this right?
2. I've heard some problems with themes or something on or something like that, can you guys care to explain?
3.How will themes work on this ROM?
4. Is there anything you guys suggest I should do before downloading and installing Cyanogen?

Thanks a lot for your help guys, this means a lot to me
Make sure to wipe everything clean during install and use the google apps and on it's crucial. I've been slamming themes over from rom manager with no problems at all. It's really nice to have a solid base flashed and a perfect phone, and then start picking themes. As apposed to just flashing a ported version thats allready themed. You will have an extra little bit of control after you make the change. I honestly think I've changed themes 3 times today. started with red rum then tried the latest jrummy and now have buuf complete rom for
Plus be careful with some roms and make sure you nandroid before ANYTHING. Last night a rom caused my phone to stop reading my SD so I went back and eventually had to un then re root. But cynanogen is the best I've used so far, so good luck.
premium is for downloading themes i believe.... Not sure as i bought rom manager as soon as it came out to support koush for his hard work.

Some themes will revert apk's to older versions and not, glasseque or whatever its called is working on and so is bgill's themes all of which rock imo.
@ Verian

Thanks for the reply but im having a hard time figuring out what you mean by saying "use the google apps and on it's crucial", and how would I be able to load my themes onto my droid( wait I just saw, you need the premium version to get them through Rom Manager Right?) and also I see people switching over to, why's that?
@ Verian

Thanks for the reply but im having a hard time figuring out what you mean by saying "use the google apps and on it's crucial", and how would I be able to load my themes onto my droid( wait I just saw, you need the premium version to get them through Rom Manager Right?) and also I see people switching over to, why's that?
whem n you go to download the cyanogen a box comes up that says google just make sure you click it if you dont you wont have market apps or anything but if you already made that mistake we can link you with the app
be sure to check off google apps when you install, that way when you sign in all your stuff from the market and what not will be there.
Probably for themes that are 5057 only themes some people will wait till there themes are ready for latest build before they use it daily.

when u install cyanogen it does not include google apps that are included in stock/themed roms u need to install them separate it takes about 10 seconds.
oh another thing installing cyanogen when you wipe cache and data let the market sync everything up sometimes it takes a little while but dont rush in there let it sync up your apks and let them download themselves dont rush around i dont think anyone elses roms do this so you will like this option
Thank You Guys SOOOOOOOO much for helping me out, im currently backing up my apps with TB and then Im going to attempt to install this work of art
I am new to cyanogen as well....just installed today and I noticed me LED notification doesnt work....I know it is new that when the screen is on the LED wont blink but even with the screen off I don't get LED notifications for anything?

Did I do anything wrong? I was on another ROM before and I wiped before I installed via ROM Manager. Thanks
I am new to cyanogen as well....just installed today and I noticed me LED notification doesnt work....I know it is new that when the screen is on the LED wont blink but even with the screen off I don't get LED notifications for anything?

Did I do anything wrong? I was on another ROM before and I wiped before I installed via ROM Manager. Thanks

No notifications work for anything? Did you check the settings just to make sure everything was setup correctly? I am using and notifications work fine. Actually while I was reading your post I received a txt and the notification light was still blinking with the screen turned on.
I am sure I have the settings correct so I am truthfully lost here why it isn't working for me. I don't want to have to switch because of this so I may try wiping again and installing again.

If I do a backup and restore just my data would that defeat the purpose of wiping and reinstalling?
If you're going to do a wipe and a reinstall I would see if the notification light is working before you restore anything. At least that way you know whether it works from a base install. If it does then start restoring stuff.
on, stock notifications work as intended... haven't tried to mess with the notif. settings though, or used an app to alter them (e.g. Missed Call)