Files / Pics / Vids: Privacy Or Lock App?


Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle Area
Hi Gang,

A former WinMobile (since v1.0) user here and am STILL creaming over my Droid--I was #10 at my local Verizon store on the 6th--and knocking on 40's door. (That should say a lot about this phone.)

At any rate...

Is there a system app / ability which allows you to put a password or hide function on files or folders? I found one in Marketplace which costs a buck, which is fine, but this is something I wanted to double-check to see if there wasn't one in the OS. My phone is primarily used for work and really need to ensure if the phone is lost that no one can access sensitive materials.

Well, happy to be here and part of the crowd--no--experience which seems to be just the beginning.

- Mega
what about an app that will require a password to open the application? for example, can I require a password to open my g-mail? or any widget for that matter??
i saw an app called photo vault - looks like it will do what you want
A Good One

This is a good one, the name: File locker, the first time I installed it did not work and gave an error every time I locked any files, I was about to uninstaleed, suddenly I received an update notice for this app. I did it, and now it's working great, you can lock pictures or videos, try it, it is free.
Good luck