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Federal Ban on All Cell Phone Use While Driving Proposed For US

cereal killer

Staff member


Anyone that drives has been there. You're sitting at a red light waiting to make a left turn, the green arrow lights up and the car in front of you just sits there. You give them a courtesy honk, you know the ones that are short and sweet, and they make their left hand turn going 2 mph holding you up as the light turns green bringing on the oncoming traffic. Furious that they left you hanging out like that, you pull up next to them and see them chatting away on their phone oblivious to everything around them. How about the guy in front of you who weaves onto oncoming traffic almost causing a head on collision texting away on his phone? It's a dangerous game that plays out on highways across America. Last year 3,000 fatal accidents occurred on America's highways last year as a result of distracted driving. Not all of those were comprised of people on their cell phones, but the fact remains that distracted driving is a problem.

Talking and texting while driving may find itself on the ban list across all 50 states. A federal ban on all cellphone use while operating a motor vehicle has been proposed by U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. The proposed ban applies to any vehicle, on any road, in any state, and covers both talking and texting with a cellphone. LaHood pointed out that 38 states already have laws on the books banning or restricting the use of cellphones while driving, but this new federal law would supersede those. Gary Biller, president of the National Motorists Association, said the new law is not necessary because it would be redundant. He goes on to say:

It shouldn't matter if the driver is distracted by a conversation with another vehicle passenger, tuning the radio, eating a snack, or talking on a cell phone. Existing laws cover all those distractions and more.

Mr Biller makes a very valid point, but if drivers are faced with steep fines for being caught talking/texting on their phones it does seem to curb the behavior. Are you in favor of a Federal law being imposed on cellphone use while driving, or should it remain a state level mandated law?

Via: Mobile Burn
I absolutely agree with this. Life existed and went on without cell phones in cars. People can wait until they are out of the car to use their phone. Far too many accidents happen because of them. If I am required to wear my seat belt which only affects me in the event of a crash, why am I not required to pay attention to driving?
I am absolutely, 100% opposed to any new law that is already covered by existing laws.

We already have about 1,000% too many Federal laws already.
i somewhat agree, i think hands free type things should be ok though...here in pa we already have a ban on driving and texting ($50) but i dont think we have one on talking and driving
See this is going to far. Their shouldn't be a law for this type of thing. I live in Washington and we have a state law for this and it doesn't stop anyone from using their phone wile driving. You even see Police Officers on their cell phones wile driving not to mention their radio. It's the same thing as the seat belt law. Aren't we adults? Do we really need some one to tell us what to do and how to do it? I mean come on, their's laws on everything these days basically for more revenue from tickets, etc. What happened for one's own self being responsible and reliable for what they do and the consequences.:confused:
I absolutely agree with this. Life existed and went on without cell phones in cars. People can wait until they are out of the car to use their phone. Far too many accidents happen because of them. If I am required to wear my seat belt which only affects me in the event of a crash, why am I not required to pay attention to driving?

ok? Life existed and went on without cell phone period! can't you wait to get home to hear your answering machine? O wait life existed and went on without cars too! where do you need to go that would require you to use 300 horses? Would 1 horse and buggy be better? Imagine what happen if the govt and the people back in the days issue laws stating driving a 'car' is illegal. They were loud, the kill more people and horses then the traditional horse and buggy.

And you can't "required' people to pay attention. People get distracted whether looking at a hot girl running on the street, reading some obscure street sign, singing in the car, smoking etc.....
I am absolutely, 100% opposed to any new law that is already covered by existing laws.

We already have about 1,000% too many Federal laws already.

This is an excellent example of why the federal government is out of control! This and countless other issues need to be dealt with at the state government level and here's why: Let's say for example this law passes. Now it's the STATE'S responsibility to implement it, enforce it and handle the problems that arise because of it. All of this is taking monies AWAY from programs that should be funded due to training of state representatives, creation and publication of said new law, the list goes on and on. All the while the state could be using the money for important things, like education, infrastructure, etc.
See this is going to far. Their shouldn't be a law for this type of thing. I live in Washington and we have a state law for this and it doesn't stop anyone from using their phone wile driving. You even see Police Officers on their cell phones wile driving not to mention their radio. It's the same thing as the seat belt law. Aren't we adults? Do we really need some one to tell us what to do and how to do it? I mean come on, their's laws on everything these days basically for more revenue from tickets, etc. What happened for one's own self being responsible and reliable for what they do and the consequences.:confused:

I think the cell phone one would actually be more important than the seatbelt law...after all, wearing a seatbelt can only hurt you but causing a crash by being distracted on a cell phone can hurt other people...

And there shouldnt have to be laws for a lot of things but its better that there are...For example you could argue that people should be responsible enough not to go kill other people or steal, etc... Its just better that we do have some seemingly stupid/silly/common sense laws
Do these people not understand that my phone is my CD player and GPS? How come I can play with standalone versions of those but can't listen to music or figure out where I'm going using my phone? We need to fight this. It's not an all or nothing legislative move that we need here. Then again it's already illegal in PA, and it hasn't stopped me yet...

i somewhat agree, i think hands free type things should be ok though...here in pa we already have a ban on driving and texting ($50) but i dont think we have one on talking and driving

There was a talking/driving ban in Philly...it got overwritten by the state law...
This is mandatory viewing for all kids and parents in my school district before child can take drivers education. My son is in it now. My eldest saw it before she took drivers ed 3 years ago. Her phone remains off and in her pocketbook when driving.

I warn you it is graphic.


Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
This is mandatory viewing for all kids and parents in my school district before child can take drivers education. My son is in it now. My eldest saw it before she took drivers ed 3 years ago. Her phone remains off and in her pocketbook when driving.

I warn you it is graphic.

This is no different than the fear mongering high schools do about unprotected sex and drunk driving. Now i'm not against education regarding these topics, it's the way it's being presented. Maybe if the public education systems had more capital they could come up with more creative ways to educate students. See what I did there ;-)
I'm torn on this whole thing. On one hand, I absolutely loathe big government and nanny state laws such as helmet and seatbelt laws, smoking bans, the War on Drugs, etc. because whether or not I obey those laws, no one else is hurt by what i do.

On the other hand, too often, when a person uses a phone while driving, they are distracted by it and become a moving hazard. Two years ago, my friend and I were almost sideswiped by some dame who was texting while driving and was slowly veering into our lane. She realized what was going on and compensated in time, but I've never forgotten that.
Inevitable. Like back in the '60s n '70s where if u got pulled over for a dui they'd just give u a ride home or better yet follow behind u as u drove home. Just like how people used to sleep with their doors to their house unlocked. After awhile enough wreckless people ruin it for everyone.

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Federal law governing driving?? I can't think of one other area they do this for driving. Driving laws are up to the states. This would get overturned, I believe, on appeal. No way should there be a federal law governing this in all states. Even the 55 mph interstate law finally got eliminated.

this is just dumb. Allow the states, and even local governments (city, etc) govern this. I can't believe we are going to make a federal case out of texting and driving. Not even drunk driving is a federal offense.