Fascinate does have way better battery life than the incredible. Incredible does have more storage space. Incredible has an 8mp camera and the fascinate has a 5mp camera but the fascinate shoots pics alot clearer than the incredible for some reason. Incredible way easier to root and unroot on PC or MAC using unrevoked tool whereas the fascinate easy to root but unroot only available on PC via Odin. Thats the reason why I haven't rooted my new fascinate because i'm on a MAC. Plus u have to be more careful on uploading kernals on fascinate compared to the incredible. Screen on fascinate is amazing compared to the incredible. I guess it just comes down to preference. I had my incredible for 6 months before switching to the fascinate due to external speaker blowing 5 times. Enough was enough. Thought it was time for a change and to tell u the truth they are not much different. Love both phones!! Just wish a program like unrevoked be available for the fascinate but I think the number of developers is small on the fascinate side compared to the incredible side... IDK... Fascinate development needs to be more MAC friendly IMO...
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I had an Incredible with LCD screen (Some have LED) and it looked much better than the Fascinate even though the LED screen of the Fascinate is bigger, Inc has higher res.
Got hubby an incredible for xmas and he loves it. about a week later I got the fascinate. Bigger screen, and this is going to sound dumb to some of you, but the fascinate is not as masculine looking as incredible, got it in white. Same features, except camera is supposed to be better on incredible. No regrets.
I like my phone very much, however I will quietly and without a fuss strike Samsung from access to my future earnings. If/when I buy another Samsung product it will be a cold day in hell.