Facebook To Release Stand Alone Mobile Messenger For Android And iOS (Updated)
Lately, Facebook has combined your regular messages with the IM’s you receive on the site into the same category, so it makes complete sense to simplify all your messages into a single app. FB is also reporting that the people you text or IM don’t even need to be your friends on Facebook, but even a contact in your phone’s address book will work.
The application isn’t just a messaging app, either. There is a group feature where you can even share your location with all your selected friends thanks to good ‘ol mobile tracking. Release is expected sometime today on the Android Market, but rest assured that as soon as this application drops, we will let you know. Is everyone looking forward to another poorly supported app, or is Facebook going to change their tune and make this one actually work properly?
Here is the link to the market to download it.
For more info on it’s release, check out their Facebook Page.
via: Droid-Life
I've already downloaded and it actually works on my Droid X running CM7DX