Take a look at Report: Facebook is making a phone - CNN.com
There's an interesting comment...
In a post titled "It'll Be A Miracle If The Facebook Phone Doesn't Suck," TechCrunch's Alexia Tsotsis was more blunt.
"Making phone hardware is hard work, much harder than anything Facebook has ever attempted in the past," she wrote.
"Basically, there are a million ways this project will fail, and just one way it will work: Facebook ostensibly could succeed by tapping into the opening in the mobile market where people want an alternative to poorly designed Android phones — targeting people who would buy something other than an iPhone if the price point was $150 less and the design were at least a little bit more ambitious than what is currently available on Android."
There's an interesting comment...
In a post titled "It'll Be A Miracle If The Facebook Phone Doesn't Suck," TechCrunch's Alexia Tsotsis was more blunt.
"Making phone hardware is hard work, much harder than anything Facebook has ever attempted in the past," she wrote.
"Basically, there are a million ways this project will fail, and just one way it will work: Facebook ostensibly could succeed by tapping into the opening in the mobile market where people want an alternative to poorly designed Android phones — targeting people who would buy something other than an iPhone if the price point was $150 less and the design were at least a little bit more ambitious than what is currently available on Android."