New Member
I got my droid 2 a couple days ago, and (at least while it's still my new favorite toy) am using it heavily throughout the day, causing the battery to get to 10% after about 9-10 hours of almost constant usage including data/voice/running apps in general. Anyway, when I purchased the phone I got the extended battery with it, and now want to be able to charge both batteries and have one as a spare in case I drain the first battery. So today I go to take the battery cover off (extended battery cover if it makes any difference) and it won't budge. No matter what I do I can't get it to slide off like it's supposed to (yes I'm doing it right, I even resorted to looking for instructions online on how to pull the battery even tho it was fairly obvious).
Has anybody else had this issue, and if so how did you get it off? If nothing works I'll just take it to the store but it's a bit out of the way
Has anybody else had this issue, and if so how did you get it off? If nothing works I'll just take it to the store but it's a bit out of the way