Theme developer "nmiltner" is pretty well known around here. He creates some of the cleanest themes around and he has been featured on our home page on several occasions. His development has always been top notch. Over the years he has released quite a list of mods for our devices. If you wanted to gather all of his work you would have to do a pretty intensive search of the forums to get all the goods. NMiltner's ThemeCenter app takes all the leg work out of the equation and packs all his mods and themes together in one place to make things nice and convenient. Don't you love when developers make things easy!
For now the app will give you the ability to grab any of his icon theme packs or any of his theme chooser themes (which require a custom rom). Future updates will include new features like sliding between tabs, more image previews, sortable lists, additional tabs, displaying the app as installed if you already have the theme or icon pack on your device.
This is a must have app for anyone who likes to theme and mod their phone, and it has been provided to us here at DroidForums for FREE first! You better go get it while its hot at the source link below!
Grab and discuss here!
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