Everyday Incredible Use


Jun 25, 2010
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Ok, so I've had the Incredible for more than a month now so it's back to "just being a phone". Well, not really, it's the best phone I've ever owned. It really has changed the way that I look at accessing the Internet. So, what do I do with it on a daily basis, how is battery life, any issues? Let's get started.

Daily Life

My Incredible goes everywhere with me. My 7 Sense screens are full and are configured with the apps that I have used regularly, some that I don't. I've installed and uninstalled a LOT of apps. My main screen includes my Calculator, Facebook, eWallet Viewer, Google Talk, Car Panel, Mail, Camcorder, Camera, Internet, People, Messages and Gmail. I use them all. I also have the small calendar Widget at the top and sync my Outlook calendar with Google Calendar using their sync tool. To the left screen I have all my toggle switches for gps, wifi, bluetooth, etc. To the right screen I have my favorites which include the people I call/text most often. The other screens consist of streaming media, gaming, shopping, etc. It all works for me and I think I have it set up pretty well. Pandora is something I use all the time, I listen at my desk. I also use TV.com application for watching shows while I walk on the treadmill. I rarely use the FM radio, it just doesn't get very good reception. I've also found PDANet to be handy for accessing the internet in places that I have no WiFi, I use bluetooth on my Alienware M11x laptop and it works well. Dictionary widget is fun as it gives me a word of the day and I have my handy tip calculator there too. AppBrain is cool to find new apps to play with. Gaming to be honest is kind of hit or miss right now, just haven't found anything as engaging as what I have on my iPod touch so I still carry that device with me as well.

Battery Life

Two things, carry a charging cable and find the Energizer battery phone charger. This way you're always covered. I also have a cigarette lighter adapter that accepts the usb charging cable and can also use my laptop. I rarely use a wall charger. When i'm at my desk the phone is always plugged in to the laptop. I have enough stuff running to where I forget to plug it in when I get home it will be close to dead in the morning. I do have advanced task killer pro running but it doesn't seem to help a whole lot. If you surf and have a lot of apps running the phone will go maybe half a day without needing a charge. I accept this and live with it.


My biggest gripe, and this could be just me but the screen when it's on my desk (not in my hand) sometimes skips and I type something I don't want to. I have an Invisishield attached and have also read that there could be an issue with this but it can be annoying. Other gripes include the inability to "update all" on apps (have to click each one) but Froyo will fix this. There are also a LOT of taps involved in many areas and I think that this could be streamlined as well, hopefully updates will fix these. Camera flash can sometimes wash out subjects if they are too close. Can't really think of much more at this time.

Like I said, this is my favorite phone to date, hands down. I've owned a LOT of phones over my 20+ years of adulthood.

Thanks for reading and I enjoy comments.
schoon I was just reading your post and it reminded me of the same type of issue i was having on my Evo. Since then Sprint has done an ota to fix this issue for me but I'm not familiar with Verizon. Maybe some other DINC owners can point you in the right direction as far as that goes. I have posted a clip of an article about this issue below so hopefully you will be able to track down your problem.

About a month ago, we reported that some HTC DROID Incredibles were experiencing touchscreen issues, and now it seems that the EVO 4G may have the same problem. Engadget is reporting that they have received several tips from users whose EVOs have faulty grounding, causing the touchscreen to register inconsistent presses when the device isn't grounded. Touching the side of the phone allows the device to work properly, so some users may have the problem and not even know it. The DROID Incredible, also made by HTC, had similar issues in the past, so it seems that HTC may have some problems with its manufacturing process. Neither HTC nor Sprint has commented on the issue. This news comes hot on the heels of reports that the adhesive on the touchscreen of some EVOs may begin to fail. Design flaws like this seem to be part of being an early adopter lately, with the Palm Pre suffering issues early on in its life, as well.

...oh yea the update all is a great feature. I hated doing all the updates one by one.