One of the best reasons to use CyanogenMod 12 is so that you can apply custom themes to give your device a whole new look. With the CyanogenMod 12 theme engine you can actually theme every aspect of your phone's UI which is better than the slight themeing you get from a custom launcher and Icon pack. One of the latest CM12 themes from theme dev "blazze11" is the "Euphoria Dark" theme. This theme brings a light blue and black color scheme. There are also some grey elements to this theme.
Themed elements include Notifications, Quick Settings, Light and Dark Styles, Framework and SystemUI, Theme.devicedefault from light and dark. There is also a long list of apps that have been themed here including AudioFX, Browser, Calculator, Contacts CM File Manager, CMUpdater, Dialer/Incall, Deskclock, Documents, Eleven, Euphoria OTA Center, Gallery, Google Keyboard, Google Now + Launcher, Google +, Hangouts, Launcher3, Settings, Theme Chooser, TouchControl, Trebuchet Launcher, and WhisperPush. There is also a custom lockscreen wallpaper, custom wallpaper, custom bootanimation, and custom font. Grab this theme from the play link below.
via PlayStore