Email woes


Nov 19, 2009
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I have 2 email accounts. Personal (gmail), and University (IMAP).

I figured out recently that you can enable IMAP on Gmail and therefore, you can have a combined inbox with both accounts with the Email app.

But now, the *gmail* app still gets the mail before the *email* app, and also when the email app finally does get the mail, I get two notifications! I know I can shut off notifications in the gmail app, but what would be better is remove the account completely from that app (can't do that, to my knowledge)

What should I do? Can I import an IMAP account in my Gmail app? (You can do that with POP accounts) Can I still have one Inbox with one set of notifications? Can I make the Email app check as fast as the Gmail app? 5 minutes is nice, but instant is nicer.

Is there an app for combined inboxes? So many questions and all I want is a combined inbox with both accounts and have emails arrive instantly. Is that too much to ask?
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Just un-sync your gmail account under settings-accounts/sync and then forget about the gmail app, it will never alert you or anything unless you actually go in and refresh inbox.
That wouldn't make the email app receive emails instantly though. :(

But thanks, I didn't even think of that. I'm only gonna unsync gmail, though, not my contacts and calendar.
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I was wondering what could be done about this too. I don't have a problem waiting 5 minutes on my gmail. Thanks for the answer.