Easy Root - Now Rooted - Help


Aug 15, 2010
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I just used the newest version of Easy Root to root my phone, but can not figure out how to remove all the pre-installed programs (BlockBuster, City ID, etc.. ) that come on the phone. Can anyone help me?
I would just rename it if i were you. Removing might screw you up when getting the froyo update. If you add .bak to the extension of the file already, the apk wont show up and it wont run. So if you need it for froyo you would just have to remove the .bak extensions instead of reinstalling. Just my .02
download/purchase root manager
rename bloatware from .apk to .bak

Follow the above link and be VERY careful which apps you rename. Do NOT delete/rename backupassistant.
Yeah root explorer was a very wise purchase I even made a word doc on my computer of what I renamed just in case. And I followed the list of programs that can safely be renamed. DON'T DEVIATE FROM THAT.
Oh wow sydman you read my mind lol and beat me to the post! At least he didn't have to ask!
I already removed the Blockbuster and City ID, I won't be able to get the Froyo update cause I removed them?
Removed or rename? And no you won't not till you put those apps back and unroot. Some say you might be able to upgrade but it will kill your root but none know for sure.
I removed them. So how do I go about getting them back so I can just rename them?
Did you not even read the How To? How did you remove them?
It gave me the delete option. And yes I read I read that you could just find the files and re-add them
Ok well yes you can find the apps again, they are posted in the hacks section. Easier to just rename them but either way works I suppose.