DVD Catalyst Droid X?


New Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Hello, I am a bit of a noob and am having much trouble ripping a DVD (Avatar) to play on a Droid X. I don't even have the phone yet and don't really have a lot of experience. I'e tried handbrake but that doesnt work. I thought i would use bitripper to rip the movie to my hd and convert it with handbrake, but the file created was huge (33gb) and sound was out of sync (i used quantom of solace to test that program). I used DVD Fab to rip Spiderman to my HD and then succesfully used handbrake to convert into a viewable mp4, but that method was unsuccesful with Avatar. I also tried VLC player to rip the movie, but that didn't work either. :icon_evil:'

Now i am trying DVD Catalyst Free, but which one would be the best for the Droid X? There is a free version for the regular Droid and the Incredible.

Thanks for any help.
Hello, I am a bit of a noob and am having much trouble ripping a DVD (Avatar) to play on a Droid X. I don't even have the phone yet and don't really have a lot of experience. I'e tried handbrake but that doesnt work. I thought i would use bitripper to rip the movie to my hd and convert it with handbrake, but the file created was huge (33gb) and sound was out of sync (i used quantom of solace to test that program). I used DVD Fab to rip Spiderman to my HD and then succesfully used handbrake to convert into a viewable mp4, but that method was unsuccesful with Avatar. I also tried VLC player to rip the movie, but that didn't work either. :icon_evil:'

Now i am trying DVD Catalyst Free, but which one would be the best for the Droid X? There is a free version for the regular Droid and the Incredible.

Thanks for any help.

Use DVD Catalyst Free for Droid, The Incredible has a lower screen resolution.
Avatar was the first movie that I put on my X today when I bought dvdcatalyst this morning. After trying to convert movies with handbrake and others, dvdcatalyst is almost too easy. Great product. Would reccomend buying the full version very reasonably priced for how much went into it from the look of it. By the way I got it on the first try.dancedroid
Avatar was the first movie that I put on my X today when I bought dvdcatalyst this morning. After trying to convert movies with handbrake and others, dvdcatalyst is almost too easy. Great product. Would reccomend buying the full version very reasonably priced for how much went into it from the look of it. By the way I got it on the first try.dancedroid
Thank you :)

And Avatar is one of the pickier DVDs as well.
DVD Catalyst didn't work on my Intel dual-core, vista-based computer. The program would indicate the process as being complete, but the percentage completed is not 100%. It's different every time (I tried it twice and got 24% and later 33%), but the percentage is always less than 100%, yet the program says it is done.

Frustrated, I went to my parents house and used their ancient AMD Turion based machine with XP. The program worked! However, the time taken was very long. Watching the program run on both machines, the Intel dual-core runs approx twice as fast by my eyeball analysis, too bad it doesn't complete all the way.
DVD Catalyst didn't work on my Intel dual-core, vista-based computer. The program would indicate the process as being complete, but the percentage completed is not 100%. It's different every time (I tried it twice and got 24% and later 33%), but the percentage is always less than 100%, yet the program says it is done.

Frustrated, I went to my parents house and used their ancient AMD Turion based machine with XP. The program worked! However, the time taken was very long. Watching the program run on both machines, the Intel dual-core runs approx twice as fast by my eyeball analysis, too bad it doesn't complete all the way.

What version of DVD Catalyst were you using on the dual-core?

DVD Catalyst 3 and DVD Catalyst Free are completely different.

DVD Catalyst Free is a completely free DVD and video conversion tool, but lacks features. It just converts, thats about it.

DVD Catalyst 3, which is not free ($10) is faster, and has all the features and bells and whistles.

The trail version of DVD Catalyst 3 is not the same as DVD Catalyst Free, and converts about 25% of each item.

Based on your description of 24-33% I would guess you are using the trial version of DVD Catalyst 3 instead of DVD Catalyst Free.
^^just checked, both machines have DVD Catalyst Free 2.0 for Motorola Droid. I've encoded 2 movies so far on the Turion based machine and it has worked very good, though time consuming. I haven't transferred the movies to the DX yet, so we'll see how that goes. thanks for the program!
^^just checked, both machines have DVD Catalyst Free 2.0 for Motorola Droid. I've encoded 2 movies so far on the Turion based machine and it has worked very good, though time consuming. I haven't transferred the movies to the DX yet, so we'll see how that goes. thanks for the program!

Something else must be causing the conversion issues. If there are issues with a DVD conversion, it will either be during the initial scanning of the DVD, or right at the beginning of the conversion. If a conversion fails after a while into the conversion, it could be one of the following:

*Something else is accessing the DVD, or the computer is busy with other demanding tasks (media center recording for example) ,which slows the conversion down to a stop. When this happens, DVD Catalyst stops the conversion to avoid damage.

* The drive itself. Some brand-computers such as Dell/Gateway etc, use low-quality parts in their systems to keep the price down. Some of these drives have issues with dual-layer DVDs at the point of where the content switches from one layer to the next. As a result, at this point, the conversion stops because the drive takes too long to switch.

* Dust/Fingers/Scratches on the DVD.

The systems I use for development and testing all are Intel-based, both single-core and dual-core and from different generations.

Try an older DVD, or a TV show DVD and see how that goes.
As for speed, DVD Catalyst Free is quite a bit slower than DVD Catalyst Free Plus and DVD Catalyst 3. In most cases, DVD Catalyst Free runs at about 1.5-1.8x realtime (1 hour for a 1 1/2hour movie), regardless of your system's capabilities, while DVD Catalyst Free Plus and DVD Catalyst 3 can go 3-5x real time, or even faster than that if you use more than 2 cores.
Trouble on Windows 7

I purchased the plus version on Windows 7 64bit. It starts to convert Avatar then halts a warning mencoder has stopped working, goes away then comes back. Pops up the window a couple times and then opens the window with the file created after about 30 seconds.

Anything I could try to not have the Mencoder stop? Tried 3 or 4 DVDs and they all do the same.

Windows 7 64bit
trying to rip to Moto Droid.
I purchased the plus version on Windows 7 64bit. It starts to convert Avatar then halts a warning mencoder has stopped working, goes away then comes back. Pops up the window a couple times and then opens the window with the file created after about 30 seconds.

Anything I could try to not have the Mencoder stop? Tried 3 or 4 DVDs and they all do the same.

Windows 7 64bit
trying to rip to Moto Droid.

Hi Gadget,

I am sorry you are experiencing issues with DVD Catalyst Free Plus.

The problem you are experiencing is due to a conflicting software application that blocks the conversion, which is why you receive the error messages.

Some information and tips on how to troubleshoot this can be found here:

Troubleshooting conversion issues | Tools4Movies, the official home of DVD Catalyst

If that does not help, please send me an email at dvdcatalyst at gmail dot com

While I don't mind troubleshooting on the forums, its faster to do it by email.