Hmmm... I had a problem with my phone running random apps at all hours of night when I docked mine. So my problem was apparently completely opposite of yours. I took them both into VZW and explained the issue and no one there had any idea what to tell me. One employee did tell me it might be my particular dock. We couldn't replicate the issue on one of their docks, so instead of waiting around for it to happen again, I just factory reset. Then I started re-downloading my apps and found out it was neither the phone nor the dock, but an app I had installed (Seal). I uninstalled it and haven't had that issue since. So, long story short, see if you can put it on another standard dock at VZW. If it's the dock, they'll swap 'em out for you. If not that, it very well could be an app you installed. Last resort is factory reset. But if you don't have a lot installed on it yet, that should be easy enough.