Droid X Trouble


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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I dont mean to post forum (No disrespect) but I have a LG Voyager (Activated). Ive recently bought a Droid X and not have gotten it activated, i dont have the data plan. I have gone into the secret menu (##program) and changed a few things to match my Voyager. Thing is, is that when i did this both phones received calls and texts. Thing is I think Verizon caught onto this (Relatively quickly) and somehow blocked the Droids access. Ive never read what I did was possible but it worked for about an hour or so. Is there a way to repairs its ESN to a more appropriate one that will work? Or just have it activated on my activated phone number that works for the Voyager without the data plan?

Email: [email protected]
I dont mean to post forum (No disrespect) but I have a LG Voyager (Activated). Ive recently bought a Droid X and not have gotten it activated, i dont have the data plan. I have gone into the secret menu (##program) and changed a few things to match my Voyager. Thing is, is that when i did this both phones received calls and texts. Thing is I think Verizon caught onto this (Relatively quickly) and somehow blocked the Droids access. Ive never read what I did was possible but it worked for about an hour or so. Is there a way to repairs its ESN to a more appropriate one that will work? Or just have it activated on my activated phone number that works for the Voyager without the data plan?

Email: [email protected]

Verizon is not going to allow you to ativate the Droid X without the Smartphone Data Plan...either the 150mb version or the Unlimited version.

I would also hazard a guess, that if you keep trying to "subvert" this issue by "modifying" the DX to "clone" the Voyager, you may incur the wrath of Verizon and might result in them terminating your service...just a thought...
Is there any explanation for why it worked for the time that it did then stopped? Is there a way to duplicate what I did but keep it on? I wondering if there is a a better way to do what I did without it being cut off. More less, a way for Verizon not to be able to notice that its a Droid
Oh and one more thing, Im trying to find out the COM Port number of my DX when I connect it to my PC and cant figure it out. Any pointer or idea of how to figure this out?