Droid X facebook sync


New Member
Oct 2, 2010
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First i want to appologize if this issue has been posted already, i did do a search for it but i couldn't find anything that was my issue.

My issue is when i add my facebook account to my phone all of my facebook friends except for 2 sync over to the phone. i have checked on my facebook page to verify that they are still a friend on there and they are. i have tried talking to both verizon and motorola and neither one seem to know whats wrong. Has anyone else experienced this and if so is there any way to fix it to sync the last 2 conacts over?
Yes i did see that, and i did try that(to the best i could) this issue with that is it is a solution for the original droid that had to use the facebook app to sync contacts from facebook. on the droid x the facebook account sync is built into the phone and that option for syncing is disabled in the facebook app. i have tried removing the account, rebooting the phone and then readding the account and it still leaves off the same 2 friends. i've even tried deleteing those friends from facebook and then re friend requesting them again and it still didn't work. i'm not sure what else to do, please help, the one friend the only way we can really stay in touch is through facebook!!!
i have a similar question. I would like my facebook NOT to sync with my phone book. i go from having 100 contacts to 500 contacts. I have gone into display group and press phone contacts and it gets rid of the facebook contacts. but when i turn off the phone and turn it back on then i need to go back and redo that again. is there anyway that i can set it perminantly so my facebook contacts aren't showing

I also have the Droid X so the tutorial did not work.
I also have the same issue with the Droid X. I want the contacts to sync up to only the people in my contacts but it brings all my contacts over. Does anyone know how to fix this??
i am not sure if you figured it out yet but here is how you fix your problem.

go to you contacts click the menu button on the phone (the one to the left hand side.)

Then click on Display Group


I hope this helps.
I'm having a problem like this. It will sync with my contacts but when my friends change their photo, it will not sync the new photo. It will however still sync when it detects that i add a new friend. I'm sure its a simple option that i'm over looking but i could use any help you'll have.
OK so since people with a different problem then me decided to post in here, and i'm still no closer to a solution does anyone have any ideas or know any solutions to the ORIGINAL problem that i posted in this post?