Droid X and picture management


New Member
Sep 22, 2010
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I popped the SD card from my blackberry into the Droid X and my pics popped up perfectly however I have one issue. I want to sort them into different folders, one folder for pics of me, one for pics of my daughter etc. I can't figure out how to build new folders or how to move the photos. I did figure out tagging but then it just creates a tagged folder and keeps them in the the standard my photos one also. Anyone know how to acccomplish this?
Mount your phone or use a micro reader and insert your SD card into your computer. Create as many new folders,on your computers desktop that you want. Open the folder that contains the photos and move them to their new folder. Once you have finished the sorting drag each of the new folders back to your SD card.

You can, of course, use a file manager program and do a similar process on your phone. My eyes are bad and I work quicker with a mouse.
