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Hello, I'm a 77 yr old senior trying to figure out how to use my Samsung Intercept. I went to Barnes and Nobels to buy a Droid for Dummies book, but have not idea whether my phone is a Droid X or Droid 2 or whatever. Can anyone please advise?
There's a button that has one big horizontal line and three smaller horizontal lines that's the settings button. Press that and window menu should appear. look for a button that says settings from there scroll down until you see a section that says about phone. Click it look for a section that says phone model it should say what the phone model it is.
What is it exactly that you want to do? That book will only give you general directions which do apply to your phone because it's the same system... you could try to google a frequently asked questions or a how to use website.
Thanks....I just find it easier for me to learn when I have a hard copy with an index rather than having to go to my computer and look it up. I'm just struggling to get a toehold in this wonderful cyberspace age and it's pretty confusing to this old brain. There's a myriad of things I'd like to know but don't know what they are until I encounter them. Right now, I'm confused about downloading aps and getting them on my homepage.
Welcome to the forum! Well the simple answer is, it is neither an X or D2. Those r motorola phone and your phone is a samsung. The brand of the phone is different but you do have the same softwear which is android.
Thanks for the info...guess I'll just do some digging and try to figure out what I'm doing. But, I'd still like to get my hands on an instruction manual
The information is the same though since they run on the same system... samsung and motorola are like the hp and dells of the android system... do a search on this forum I just saw a samsung intercept post that'll help you out... see the little button with a magnifying glass use that to find an application or open up your applications and find an icon that says market when that finishes loading find an app your interested in... good luck and welcome to the digital frontier... by the way don't be afraid to ask questions we're very helpful... check out they have videos on how to use also!
this is a link to a great write-up over on our sister site android. net. i think you will get a lot of your questions answered there. New To Android?!? Check This Out!