Sense 3.5 was revealed in a video a few weeks ago and a ROM was leaked containing it promptly after, well now a port has been accomplished for Droid Incredible users. The Droid Incredible and Droid Incredible 2 just received the Sense 3.5 port today. The team of 13 over at XDA got the latest version of Sense booted on both devices and so its just a matter of time before we see a test build available for all you patient DINC users.
Xda thread
Via: Droid-life
Fun Fact: HTC builds Sense backwards rather than forward. This means every previous version of Sense has codes for the next version in it somewhere. I learned this from a cook that makes a ROM that has over 200,000 users. This method is very unorganized, but much more powerful and makes devices able to handle the upgrades, like in this case here.