Droid Here I Come!


New Member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
New York
I currently have an LG Dare, which don't get me wrong, is a nice phone. However the software on it is buggy and Verizon never really invested money into it (barely any downloadable content, no visual vm, etc.) And quite frankly I've become bored with it. I'm not getting the Motorola Droid, rather the HTC Droid Eris. I'm extremely excited to be getting this phone! It has much potential with the Android system compared to phones with the proprietary Verizon software. But enough about my future phone, and more about me. I'm 17 year old (a young phone geek) student and I love, love, love technology. Reading about it, using it, whatever. I hope to share and more importantly gain knowledge about the Droid phones with all of you. So there you have it! :)
Welcome to DroidForums! The Eris should be a great phone, and I can't wait to learn more about it as well.
First thing mods and admins: WOW. 740 members already. This place is busting at the seams.
Secondly, WELCOME mynameisjohn and please let us know about the Eris.
Hey mynameisjohn, welcome to the forum. Yeah i understand about software glitches and everything :). if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
I think anyone who complains about glitches should run a Storm for a few days.
I went from the Dare to the Storm and I thought the Storm was head and shoulders above the Dare. The Dare liked to reboot randomly, freak out while texting, slow down to a crawl, etc. It had it's share of bugs.

Anyway, I am now moving to the Droid too so welcome!