Droid GPS letdown


Dec 24, 2009
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Today, for the 3rd time ever, I depended on my Droid to get me to a friends house, out of state. Exited about using my free google navigation I launched it and inputed my destination. As always, i recieved the common "Searching for GPS" message that usually went away as soon as I hit the main road, but not today. Clear skies, sunny, and I live near a metropolitan area, but still no GPS signal. I drove around, hoping to catch it, went out of my car, did a battery pull, reinstalled google maps, everything. Still nothing.
By now I was late to the party, so i decided to take it to the Verizon store. I was assisted by a young technical support analyst who after playing with the phone for 15minutes told me the GPS was broken and the phone needed to be replaced. Thankfully, i purchased the warranty, but unfortunatly i will still recieve a like-new replacement, which in previous years did not prove resilient.
Well, as I await for the replacement Droid in the mail, is there anything else i can try to fix my droid? Any help would be appreciated.

I'm afraid the love me and my Droid shared will never be the same again. Stuck for 2 years with it :icon_eek:
Did he do a factory data reset? That should have been one of the things they should have tried. I'm talking about out of your privacy settings.

Please in the future check with us first. I'm not saying we have all the answers but I have a feeling we may have more then the tech that declared your GPS was broken.
I have had this happen to me several times over the life of my droid. (Had my droid since Dec 09).

What fixes this for me is to do a *228 and hit 1 to re-activate your phone - then restart.

I had to do this yesterday.
I'm trying to learn not to depend on the Droid's GPS. It has a knack for letting me down when I want it the most.
Exit GPS apps, disable GPS, re enabled GPS and try again. This work 99% of the time for me.
I have never lost the GPS signal , not even once and I'm using it every day quite a lot . It even has signal where my Garmin Nuvi does't . The only problem is that Google maps sometimes gives me the wrong address , luckily I also have iGO MotoNav installed which saves me .
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I had the same problem today. It's the first time it's ever went out for me. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the GPS satellites today?
Mine has been out for over an hour. Tried battery pull, cycle gps on/off etc. No luck
I had the same problem today. It's the first time it's ever went out for me. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the GPS satellites today?
There are no solar storms that could disrupt the GPS signals today. The Solar Flux is 78, A index 2 and K is 0.
I ONLY turn my GPS on when I need it... I have NEVER had a problem. I used it 5 times in the last 2 days to find / navigate to locations.
Only had a problem one other time in 5 months. Phone kept thinking I was in Iceland. Battery pull fixed that. This seems different. Gps does nothing
You know, this strikes me as a very odd story. The OP starts out on an "out of state" trip and finds that the GPS in his/her phone isn't working. So he/she cancels the trip???

Thank God the pioneers didn't depend on GPS.

It's difficult to diagnose the problem without seeing the phone first hand, but I'm also a bit puzzled that a VZW tech would decide that a non-functioning GPS would decide that a new phone is warranted when GPS units fairly often fail to function for one reason or another. (Been using them for years and I have to say, more than once I've reached my destination before my GPS found my location.)
You know, this strikes me as a very odd story. The OP starts out on an "out of state" trip and finds that the GPS in his/her phone isn't working. So he/she cancels the trip???

Thank God the pioneers didn't depend on GPS.

It's difficult to diagnose the problem without seeing the phone first hand, but I'm also a bit puzzled that a VZW tech would decide that a non-functioning GPS would decide that a new phone is warranted when GPS units fairly often fail to function for one reason or another. (Been using them for years and I have to say, more than once I've reached my destination before my GPS found my location.)

By the time i gave up on the navigation it was too late to go.

On a side note, i tried everything the above posters mentioned, and nothing worked. For some reason when i go to "my location" it either works just fine or moves me to another state - and keeps moving.

Phone reset did nothing. Battery pull did nothing. I guess it's a hardware issue?
I have never lost the GPS signal , not even once and I'm using it every day quite a lot . It even has signal where my Garmin Nuvi does't . The only problem is that Google maps sometimes gives me the wrong address , luckily I also have iGO MotoNav installed which saves me .

What is iGO MotoNav?
I searched in the market and on AppBrain, but can't find it.

Thanks for any info