Look at this poor, suffering Droid 2 in a vegetative-bootloader state. Please help bring it back to life.
This will get a little lengthy, so I'll jump right into it:
Droid 2, standard (non-global) VZW (of course)
Issue: Dropped in toilet, can't get past bootloader.
Back story:
The phone was submerged in a toilet for a few seconds. My mom, poorly, decided to turn it back on right away. It booted up but acted weird, had liquid under the screen, etc. Then she called me, I told her to turn it off, pull the battery, try the rice trick. Next day try to turn it on, sticks at the bootloader. And that's where it's been.
What I've tried:
Installed RSD Lite 4.9 on an XP 32-bit OS, phone shows as something along the lines of "S_Flash" instead of the phone name. But, I'm still able to select it and go to flash the 2.3.20 SBF file. It finishes, transfers to BP Pass Through Mode (which required this to be done on XP, for those having issues), and shows as Passed. The phone reboots itself... right back into the bootloader.
I then tried going into the recovery and doing a full wipe, nothing. Tried it before flashing the SBF, after, and before and after. No luck.
I also tried flashing a zip file via the recovery and it said something like "can't locate xxxx/xxxx/xxxx no such directory exists" and from what I could gather it was looking for a folder on the internal memory. So after an SBF flash, it appears it's not writing anything.
What I want:
Any tips on getting this phone working again? I'm an Android nut and I love to have phones to play with. I've already got a Droid X (and a Thunderbolt will be on the way), but this would be an awesome multimedia device to screw around with. If I can't get it to work, it's likely going to be stripped down just for fun.