Downgrade to 2.3.6?


New Member
Hello, I got my ICS 4.0.4 update a while ago and I've been searching high and low and came up empty for a way to get back off of ICS. To be honest, in my opinion, it blows horribly. I love my phone and after this update it has just been dogging horribly.

Any way for me to go back to good ol' gingerbread?

I have no problem rooting the phone to do it (as long as I can unroot later).

Please help me


Premium Member
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Welcome to the forum!

There is no easy way to do it.

From what I understand though you can use the latest utility that MattLGroff put out in the Hacks section of this forum to do it. There are quite a few steps and a lot could go wrong so I am not sure how badly you want to do this.

The latest leaked update .214 is an improvement from .211 maybe you could try installing that first and see if you like it better. They will get the kinks worked out of ICS eventually, just the hazards of finally getting the OS people have been begging to get for months now. It never works like you think it will.