We have a couple of Galaxy S4 stories to share with you this morning. First, the new flagship from Samsung just launched in India. The phone will retail there for Rs 41,500 (roughly $783USD) and will be the Octa-core Exynos 5 version. Here's a quote with some additional detail,
The Samsung Galaxy S4 will go on sale from tomorrow, April 27. It will first be available only from the Samsung eStore and Samsung premium brand stores in Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Bangalore from 12 noon to 4PM. Anyone picking up the device during this time period will also receive “surprise gifts” from the company. After 4PM, the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be available from major retail stores around the country.
Our second story is that in Asia Samsung will soon release a dual-Sim version of the phone called the Galaxy S4 Duos with the model name I9502. This one is also the Octa-Core Exynos 5 CPU.
Source: AndroidAuthority