Double email notification really bothersome


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
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I looked around a bit to see if I could find a reference to what I need but I didn't find it right away. Sorry if I missed it.

I am tired of receiving double email notices every time I get an email. I have two email apps: Google and Mail. Both came with my phone and neither can be removed from the manage app dialogs.

What can I do?
Decide which app you want to use then open the other app tap menu, find the notifications and turn off.

Hope this helps.

Thanks mwhartman,
it seems that since mail is the one I want to get rid of, I'll ask about it...
I have disabled notifications but there is no way to prevent it from checking for email. It has a "email check frequency" option. I'm guessing the only thing I can do is to enter bogus details into my account profile for this app?
Did you setup the Email app to receive your gmail account, in addition to the Gmail app?
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure the phone came that way
If gmail is setup as an account in the Email app, in addition to the Gmail app, then I would just remove the gmail account from the Email app - unless you prefer receiving in the Email app over the Gmail app. But most people don't, as the Gmail app mimic's the true Gmail experience closer to the real thing. How's that for a tongue twister :)

If you want to keep receiving gmail in the Email app, and NOT in the Gmail app, then there are other steps to take.
I believe if you just erase your email account details from within the email app it should stop checking. Go into your email and press the menu key and select accounts, from there just long press on the account you want to erase and select 'remove account'

If you want to get rid of the email app then you could just yank it from /system/app directory using Root Explorer, of course you have to be rooted ;) Hope that helps...
There is an ACTUAL way to disable multiple notifications from coming to your droid. It's the most recent post on our Droid blog so check it out here: 2 Guys 1 Droid. This will fix your problem. Enjoy
Well it went from disabling notifications for email/gmail to disabling the ACTUAL email app itself ;) I was trying to answer the latter...