donations to this forum

me just sayin

Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2017
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I am posting this in the open instead of pming an administrator in case anyone else wanted the info.

some forums have a way for members to donate to help support their favorite forums. I was wondering if this forum does something similar. I have seen a couple of different badges that indicated there may have been a system in the past or for vendors.

anyway, just wondering...
Ill get you an answer. I saw this yesterday and just didn't get a chance to research this. We at one time had a supporting member badge for those that donated. But I am not sure if that is the case anymore. Ill ping in the big droids and they will be better suited to answer this @danDroid @JohnDroid .
We don't have the supporting member program going at the moment, but that may be something we get going in the future. Appreciate the thought though!