Deaf user- voicemail


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
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Hi I am a deaf user of the Droid 2. I want to get rid of voice mail, period. I can't use it, I don't benefit from it, and it is annoying. I can find no way to do this. Help please?

Many thanks,
Set up a google voice account. Then link your number to it and use google voice as your voicemail.By doing this, your voicemail will be transcribed, and you can read your messages instead of listening to them. This will allow you to still let people leave messages for you when your not around to answer the phone.
google voice account

Sweet! How do I set up a Google voice account? Is it an app pre-loaded on the Droid 2? Thanks lots for your speedy feedback!

google voice account

Actually, I found the app in the Marketplace and I'm downloading that now. Thanks again!

It's locked up at the step 'set up voicemail', says it was unable to access my current voicemail settings. Not sure what to do. :(
google voice account

Yes, I did do that. I did have to go in/out of the programs some to get it going but I got it set up, and I've tested it by having a friend call and leave a voicemail. I got a text informing me of the new voicemail message, and also a transcript of it did get to me. The transcript was a tad bit off-
My friend said "Hi this is Angie my voice is horrible. I am leaving a message you wanted me to. Talk to u later."
Transcript: "Hey there, it's, Angie no, I kind off of that. It's really a nice July. Okay bye."

Since that friend's voice was bad due to being sick, I had another friend try it.
That friend said "hi kevin its chris angie told me to call you and leave a message and I don't know what say and um will talk to you later"
Transcript: "kevin, It's Chris, and you can benefit a call you leave a message so. I'd love to say, but HI right."

Not sure why the transcripts are coming the way they do, but I know this is a very new thing so I'll have to be patient, but at least it works.

Thank you guys, for the help!
Glad you found an answer and :welcome: to the Forum...Google Voice is a great application :)
It is not the best voice recognition out there, but it is the best you can get for free. You can have your ongoing message ask callers to speak slowly and clearly for better transcription and you will tend to get higher quality transcripts.

google voice account

Two more things about it:
I tried to enter a Greeting message from my Google Voice account on the web browser, and it did call my phone, I left a message. But, my friends are saying they only got a generic Google voice saying something like 'the chat you're trying to reach is unable, leave a message'. I am guessing perhaps it just takes time for the information/messages to be updated on the servers?

The other thing is more related to the phone itself, I guess- how the heck do you set how many rings before it routes the caller to voicemail?! I can't find anything in 'sound' settings or elsewhere.

Theres a defualt amount of rings, unfortunately your not able to change it at this time, this might be changed in future updates.

As for your message, to to google voice on your computer, go into settings and make sure you have it set to use your message and not the defualt settings.