Saw that and thought about would that be a hit or miss ... there is an app on the market for that.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/...t#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImRpYWxlc i5pbXBhY3QiXQ..
But considering we have quick lock screen apps (htc or cm9 like) [MODs] CleanROM - Senseless MODs (3-24-2012) - xda-developers or the fact you can just hit the phone icon and you there ...would a dialer widget really save a lot of time.
Interested in your take whether you would use it or not.
Saw that and thought about would that be a hit or miss ... there is an app on the market for that.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/...t#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImRpYWxlc i5pbXBhY3QiXQ..
But considering we have quick lock screen apps (htc or cm9 like) [MODs] CleanROM - Senseless MODs (3-24-2012) - xda-developers or the fact you can just hit the phone icon and you there ...would a dialer widget really save a lot of time.
Interested in your take whether you would use it or not.