If you have been itching to try out the latest version of Cyanogen Mod on your Verizon Galaxy Nexus now is the time. Dhacker has put together a build of CM11 for the VZW Galaxy Nexus even though Cyanogen Mod has yet to release their own official build. This build has an updated kernel and there have not been any random reboots. You will find the new features of Android 4.4 Kit Kat along with some awesome customization options for your device. You will also find some improvements in performance. Don't forget to grab the Gapps which you will need to flash in order to have access to the Play Store and other google applications. Of course to flash this rom you will need to first be unlocked and you will need to have a custom recovery like twrp or cwm. Head to the link below for the rom download.
Via @Dhacker29