C clem New Member Nov 18, 2010 #1 Hello Is it possible to copy and paste on Facebook using a droid thank you
OP OP C clem New Member Nov 18, 2010 #3 When u say there are apps in the market what would they be called I'm new at this. Thanks
D dlwhtrose Super Moderator Premium Member Rescue Squad Nov 18, 2010 #4 Welcome to the forum. When You say copy and paste are you refering to posts or what are you trying to do? Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
Welcome to the forum. When You say copy and paste are you refering to posts or what are you trying to do? Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
D Droid DOES!! What iDoesn't Premium Member Theme Developer Nov 18, 2010 #5 Welcome to Droid Forums! Sent from my Droid using DroidForums app (free in market)
OP OP C clem New Member Nov 18, 2010 #6 I am trying to copy and paste when logged onto Facebook when using the droid Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
I am trying to copy and paste when logged onto Facebook when using the droid Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
S spaz33g Rescue Squad Rescue Squad Nov 18, 2010 #7 Using the app or the browser. You can do it from the browser fairly easily but I don't think you can from the app. Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
Using the app or the browser. You can do it from the browser fairly easily but I don't think you can from the app. Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
mountainbikermark Super Moderator Staff member Premium Member Nov 18, 2010 #9 m.facebook.com Welcome to the forum Support our troops! slidered from a wifi monolith
B bthomp21 Guest Nov 18, 2010 #10 Not through the app (not 100% sure) but you have to use the web browser and then copy, paste.
OP OP C clem New Member Nov 18, 2010 #11 M.Facebook works perfect!!! Thank u so much everyone for your help!! Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
M.Facebook works perfect!!! Thank u so much everyone for your help!! Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
E edawerd New Member Nov 22, 2010 #12 clem said: When u say there are apps in the market what would they be called I'm new at this. Thanks Click to expand... There's one called "Copy Paste It" that will let you copy text from within the Facebook app
clem said: When u say there are apps in the market what would they be called I'm new at this. Thanks Click to expand... There's one called "Copy Paste It" that will let you copy text from within the Facebook app