Compcache on 3.1.1?


May 11, 2010
Reaction score
Buffalo NY
I was wondering if the stock kernel for 3.1.1 has compcache enabled and if that might help with GB's aggressive task killer. I never really had luck with getting compcache to work before so I figured I would ask someone who would know.

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To enable compcache try the primed kernel from the CM section in DF.
To enable compcache try the primed kernel from the CM section in DF.

That does seem to work, but the really good battery life I was getting out of the stock kernel has gone to $#@!. =(

Can't win them all but if you want cm zram access that's the only kernel I know of that supports it. I'd suggest you grab MS overclock & look at how you adjust the voltage & scripts from the Prime thread if you haven't already.
To enable compcache try the primed kernel from the CM section in DF.

That does seem to work, but the really good battery life I was getting out of the stock kernel has gone to $#@!. =(

Can't win them all but if you want cm zram access that's the only kernel I know of that supports it. I'd suggest you grab MS overclock & look at how you adjust the voltage & scripts from the Prime thread if you haven't already.

It baffles me that compcache is a setting in UD/CM, but the stock kernel doesn't seem to support it.
There's a setting for it in the UD prefs, but doing a "compcache start" in terminal gives me an error. =\

Pete Alfonso (of Bugless Beast) has a suggestion for the aggressive memory management however; see if this helps at all; it did me:

Just gave this a try and it seems to be working great for me so far. Not to mention, no negative affect on battery life either. Thanks for the suggestion!

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