Clashing Music Apps


Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
SoCal, USA
I've been running the free Meridian multimedia app on my Droid since Day 2. I have had frequent instances where, while playing mp3 files with that app, the native music player comes up (without being asked :-/ )and starts playing also, and I then have two different songs playing at once - so have to pull up a task killer to shut down the native app. This is incredibly annoying. Anyone else had this happen? Fix?

Also, I have a set of Bluetooth headphones. I now (since the 2.0.1 upgrade - didn't work before) can control the native music app with the headphone controls...but not Meridian. Is Meridian supposed to work with Bluetooth controls? When I push the "play" button, the native music app comes up and starts playing, whether or not Meridian is loaded.

I'm happy that at least one app now works with Bluetooth controls, but the native app is very limited in terms of song selection (e.g. directory, genre, etc.).

Thanks for any help, especially with the "clashing" issue above - thanks/
i had this issue with another music app. i believe there is an option i disabled. something about controlling the app via headphone buttons, etc. look for it in the menus
Thanks! The latest Meridian has a setting labeled "Use headset buttons". Checking it seems to have solved one problem - Meridian now comes up as the preferred music app when I use the headphones. I'll have to use it for a while to see if the native app jumps in uninvited anymore.
Dilli, did the music player ever re-invite itself? Having the same issue
me too but no BT. I have had the native music app just start playing whenever it wanted too. if i recall when it happened i was listen to iheart radio app.
Dilli, did the music player ever re-invite itself? Having the same issue


Changing the setting in Meridian (I believe it was "use headset buttons") seems to have solved the problem. It hasn't happened again since then - not sure WHY, but I'll take it and not complain. I haven't used the native music app since.
Thanks for the reply Dilli, just noticed that Meridian doesn't support streaming audio, which is 99% of what I listen to, know of an streaming audio players that can set themselves as the default player?
Thanks for the reply Dilli, just noticed that Meridian doesn't support streaming audio, which is 99% of what I listen to, know of an streaming audio players that can set themselves as the default player?

I don't know of any for the Droid, though I have to admit that after installing Meridian I haven't looked any further. I use it for my mp3s and Pandora for "mix" streams. Check the market.

On my computers (running Linux) I use Amarok and Rhythmbox; both do mp3s, ogg, flac and streaming audio. $0-.02 worth. ;-)

I was wondering if anyone has any info on the new version of Meridian.

The description has changed to state it now collects user data instead of ads.

Here is what the dev says he's collecting:

Ewiger Sandkasten: All about Meridian's data collection

This is what I found about Flurry:

Flurry: Analytics

Anyone have any info beyond this? I found Meridian is great because I can do a battery pull in the middle of a movie and it remembers my place when I restart the movie and it seems to have decent features.