My wife washed my GS3 last weekend. (yes, I left it in my pocket) The phone boots and everything seems to work fine. It's all dried out, but it will not recognize the sim card. I got a new sim card from Verizon, but to no avail. I was going to replace the sim tray. I took some photos of the main board and wanted to get this boards opinion of whether I should even pursue replacing parts as it looks like there is some damage to the board. I would've thought I'd of had more issues though. The only issues I've determined thus far are the camera and the two screen buttons at the bottom of the phone. The rest of the phone seems to be in working order. All of the water damage indicators have been tripped.

Any suggestions on how to rescue this phone? Can I buy a new main board?

Any suggestions on how to rescue this phone? Can I buy a new main board?