Charlie Sheen


Silver Member
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
North Carolina
Ok i dont see why they fired charlie from the cast of 2 and half men. I mean was the lifestyle he lived during this party much differnet then the lifestyle he lived on the TV show? I mean illict drugs might be the only difference but who he sleeps with is his business you know? I mean it didnt matter who he slept with on the TV so why care who he sleeps with in his actual personal life? I mean just bc he has his own ways of enjoying being so successful was firing him really the best move? i mean maybe suspend him for the rest of the season but really fire him?

Just something i was thinking of not trying to start arguments or heated debates. Just honest opinions would be fine.
I could care less about Charlie Sheen and am frankly sick of hearing about him to be honest. What kills me is there are folks that would love to live the life he's living...
I think when you publicly make the kind of statements about your employer that he made it shows that there is a bigger issue at stake than who he was spending his time with. The other reasons cited were forgetting lines, showing up late or not showing up at all. Personal life isnt an issue, up to the point where it impacts your professional life, then it becomes a problem.

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Ugh.... what's he famous for again? Two & a half men? the pinnacle of terrible network programming. I can't even tell if they're trying to be funny.
Well ill have to agree your personal life should never enter your professional life

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Remember "Hot Shots" funny movie (made even more so by the late great Mr. Neilson)

Any way, back on topic. From what I understand he was too difficult to work with, wanted more money than he was worth, didn't get along with the creator and lead writer of the show, missed rehearsals, yadda yadda. Basically he had it coming from what I understand. Alas though, I'm not a hollywood elite or someone who follows the tabloids (like they're "credible") so I, like most, have no idea about the problem's true face.

Alls I have to say is that he should ride this wave of popularity this thing is bringing him, take getting fired on the chin and with a grain of salt, and take one of the movie offers he's probably getting. People like to see stars wild out, makes em seem more human I guess. Lyndsey Lohans still making a ton of money, probably on par if not more than she was before she became the party queen she is today.

Theres a thought, Charlie and Lyndsey should hook up and snort tiger blood together or something lol
Remember "Hot Shots" funny movie (made even more so by the late great Mr. Neilson)

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Love Neilson!

other than that (to the best of my memory) he didnt have a whole lot of good/great rolls. His dad is pretty much the whole reason he got into movies to begin with, same goes for his brother. He was in Scary Movie 3 (i think it was 3) but thats all I can think of at the moment.

might have to imdb for more
I couldn't care less about Charlie Sheen. His actions and everything he gets he will deserve. Use to love watching him but can't even look at him anymore. "Free at last" and "winner" my lilly white @$$. Guy made almost 2mill an episode. What kind of d0uc#e does what he does? Too many have done what he does/did. Loser!

//Tap'd on CM8's DX\\
Personally, I like the show and its pretty funny IMO, but he had it coming.
I wonder what will happen to the show..
He really was a great actor on the show and i can say i use to like to watch 2 1/2 men. He had a lot going to just blow it also but maybe its just not being able to handle all the fame like the many actors that followed the same path as he did before
He really was a great actor on the show and i can say i use to like to watch 2 1/2 men. He had a lot going to just blow it also but maybe its just not being able to handle all the fame like the many actors that followed the same path as he did before

True, I do think he had a lot going just to blow it. Loved that show :frown:
I think the show might recover. The directors might pick up a replacement actor for his spot
I think the show might recover. The directors might pick up a replacement actor for his spot

Now that's as funny as the show was. You seriously think someone else could play that part and keep the audience as interested as it was? If the director finds one, more power to him. But not likely IMO.

//Tap'd on CM8's DX\\