Last week we Chainfire released CF-Autoroot for the Nexus 9. This method was a bit more in depth then the normal cf-autoroot methods which generally require only one click. The method required typing a few commands in adb to achieve root on the Nexus 9. As the Lollipop updates started rolling out for the rest of the devices Chainfire began working out root on those devices. You can now root 6 devices with Lollipop.
Devices include:
Nexus 4
Nexus 5
Nexus 7 2012
Nexus 7 2013
Nexus 9
Nexus 10
Nexus 6s actually started arriving on doorsteps today. I actually received mine today. Chainfire should have a root method available as soon as images and firmware is released. It should be noted that the script does require that your bootloader be unlocked. Grab root for your device at the link below.
Via +Chainfire