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[ROM] [Cdma/Gsm][Razr][Jb] Rage Rom (5/12/2013)


Premium Member
Premium Member

The BEST stock ROM, made by one of the most popular devs here!

ONLY FOR THE JB 98.72.16 (OTA Version)

Dev Disclaimer:
The tweaks included in this ROM are exclusive to this ROM and may NOT be used by anyone without permission. The ROM itself, stripped of all tweaks may be used as a base as long as permission is asked prior to posting.​


noname81 - LMT Launcher (Pie Controls)
prstorero - gps toggle fix
KrYpToNiTe - 1% battery and toggles
Nitro - original toggles
andlaw - power menu mod (reboot menu)
tomtreas - sending me a system dump
wacocapretto - tester & screenshots

I am not responsible for your phone imploding on itself or dividing by 0 or starting thermo-nuclear war with North Korea!






  • [*=left]Goo Manager Support (OTA Push Notifications)
    [*=left]Improved GPS Lock and Accuracy
    [*=left]Modified YouTube with "Download" button (Credit OsamaGhareeb)
    [*=left]Fully Deodexed
    [*=left]Super Debloated
    [*=left]Full init.d supporT
    [*=left]PIE Controls (Credit noname81)
    [*=left]Fully Themed Messaging App
    [*=left]New wallpaper (thanks to wacocapretto)
    [*=left]Battery Saver init.d tweaks
    [*=left]Koush's Superuser App (Credit Koushik Dutta)
    [*=left]1% Battery Mod
    [*=left]Notification Pulldown Toggles baked in
    [*=left]Gapps baked in
    [*=left]Added Apex Launcher
    [*=left]Added Ad-Free
    [*=left]Added Apollo Music Player
    [*=left]Extreme build.prop tweaks
    [*=left]Increased Dalvik VM Heap Size
    [*=left]Disabled Kernel Logging for speed

You Must Be On The Jelly Bean Kernel 98.72.16 To Flash This Rom!!!


Activate ANY ROM Slot
Go into SafeStrap (3.07 or 3.11)
Delete Rom Slot 1
Recreate Rom Slot 1
Wipe "System"
Factory Reset
Wipe Cache
Wipe Dalvik Cache
Flash ROM


CDMA Rage Rom v3.2 Size: 314.56 MB

MD5: 7d73e3fdc3eeb46f0b1201e2a8515d31


GSM Rage Rom v3.2 Size: 314.56 MB
MD5: 6f043608b262b6a686e94593883a4589



If you like my work and would just like to show your appreciation. Please click the Donate button under my signature!


Updated Apex Launcher to v2.0.0
Removed AOSP 4.2.2 Gallery & Camera
Added back Stock Moto Camera
Added back Stock Moto Gallery
Removed Beats Audio Lib Files
Removed Beats App
LMT Launcher updated to v1.99
Edited build.prop to reflect changes

Added AOSP 4.2.2 Camera & Gallery

LMT Launcher updated to v1.98
Added BEATS By Dre (Can be uninstalled)
Added YouTube w/download button
Improved GPS Lock & Accuracy
Fixed Goo Manager Issues

Added DSP Manager
Added Custom Bootanimation (JaeKar99)
Added Adb Insecured
LMT Launcher updated to latest
Fixed Goo Manager Updates
Built-In Tether Hack

Supporting UMTS (GSM)
Fixed Goo Manager Still Reporting An Update After Flashing The Latest Version (CDMA)
Fixed updater-script not installing /data/app packages (CDMA / GSM)

Reverted to Stock Moto Lockscreen
Cleaned up build
Updated build.prop

Moved LMT Launcher (PIE Controls) to /data/app
Added Goo Manager for OTA Push Notifications / App Downloads
Updated build.prop to reflect Goo Manager downloads

Added PIE CONTROLS (To use PIE Controls, open app drawer and go to LMT Launcher, then select (Start/Stop TouchService)
Fully Themed "Rage" Messaging App

Loopy Smoothness Tweak
AOSP JB Lockscreen
Full init.d Support
Allow full screen rotation
Custom Lockscreen Ring
Removed Boot-up Sound
Custom "Low Battery" Text

Fixed ALL issues
Updated build.prop
New wallpaper (thanks to waco!)

Updated Apex Launcher to 1.4.4
Fixed Reboot Menu(thanks to andlaw
Fixed GPS Toggle FC (thanks to prstorero)
Added 1% battery mod (blue battery, white text)(thanks to kryptonite)
Added Notification Pulldown Toggles (thanks to kryptonite)
Added Power Menu Mod (Reboot Menu)(thanks to andlaw

Updated base to Jelly Bean Soak Test version
Removed all themeing

Notification Toggles
Enabled Lockscreen Rotation
Themed Toggles
Themed Signal Icons
Themed Battery Icon
Themed Wifi Icon
Themed Power Menu Mod Icons
Themed Lockscreen
Custom "Rage" Unlock Button
Custom "Rage" Default Wallpaper
Themed "4 Bar" Signal Icons
Themed "Verizon Wireless" Pulldown Logo
Themed Clock & Date In Notification Pulldown
Themed "Blue Bar" In Notification Pulldown
Themed Clock In Statusbar
Themed over 300 Other Various Icons In SystemUI

Power Menu Mod (Reboot)-------- screenshot in post 2
1% Battery Mod----------------------- screenshot in post 2 (thanks to vtwinbmx)
Enabled All Screen Rotations
New Default Wallpaper (RAGE) (Not sure how to set it yet but it's in there.)

Initial Relase
Fully Deodexed
Extremely Debloated
Added No-Frills
Added Power Toggles
Added Apex Launcher
Added Ad-Free
Added SMSFlash
Added Apollo Music Player
Implemented No-Frills and Power Toggles into Settings Menu
Extreme build.prop tweaks
Increased Dalvik VM Heap
Lol. I want to try this ROM out. Ive been trying to find out how to get to the jellybean kernel but i had no good luck. Could you possibly help me out with that?
Re: [Cdma][Razr][Jb] Rage Rom (1/7/2013)

Sweet, thanks. Would i need to get another kind of Safestrap or could i just use the one i have now? I think its 3.05.

You'll need 3.07 or higher

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
This ROM is being updated to v1.3 and comes with sooo many updates and changes! Including Notification Toggles, Power Menu Mod, 1% Battery, and some themed stuff! Custom wallpaper and custom lockscreen slider included as well :)
Link in the OP has been updated, tons of changes on this build!! Just wipe cache and dalvik, flash, reboot :)
I didn't run stock JB long enough to make a comparison, but I've been running this for a week, and everything is working great! I like the customizations, especially the "reboot" option in the "long-press power" screen.



P.S. Any screen shots of the theme work? I'm liking it as-is, but maybe it's now even better?
Ok everyone, although this is going to suck a little. Here's the workaround to get v1.4 installed as per the instructions of [x] then tweaked a little by me.

Go to - Index of /Devs/bigdaddyhicks/BDH
Download Rage Rom v1.4
Download Rage Rom v1.2
Put both zips on your external sdcard
Boot into SafeStrap. ([x] used 3.11, I'm running 3.07)
Activate the Stock slot and delete Slot 1.
Create new Slot 1.
Install RAGE 1.2 onto Slot 1.
Reboot system all the way to the Android Welcome setup screen.
Wait a few minutes for giggles. Possibly until data appears in status bar.
Hold down Power button and select Reboot.
Enter SafeStrap and flash 1.4 via OP link WITHOUT WIPING ANYTHING!
Reboot system all the way and enjoy that pretty blue halo that now appears around your system popups (like the "Android is upgrading" window). :D