Now that CyanogenMod is dead it will take the rest of the Rom community stepping up to take the place of the now defunct custom rom juggernaut. One of the most popular Roms from the past is back with a new Rom release. We have not heard from CarbonRom in a while but they have just started the roll out of their Nougat nightlies. The first nightlies are available for the Google Pixel, Nexus 6, and Nexus 6P. There are also builds for the Sony Xperia Z3, Z3 Compact, and Z5 and the Nvidia Shield Tablet. Of course compatibility for further devices is coming soon. These are early nightly builds and as such may include a fair amount of bugs so just keep this in mind when installing these builds. Grab the rom for your device from the link below.
via CarbonRom