Can't retrieve apps I purchased


New Member
May 6, 2010
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Already searched and couldn't really find anything to help. So I had the screen lock problem when you have the pattern and then your google account and pw never ends up working. Well I just reset my phone so now when I go back into market it makes me set up a google account and I try to sign in and it says this account does not have gmail and makes me set up a gmail and then that gmail account become the primary and then my purchased apps are not located in the market. And since google doesn't know what theyre doing I have to reset again to change the primary account.

I really don't know what my question really is... when I go to my account, k.bs09@hotmail, on google accounts and I look at google checkout and my apps are not located in there. I just need to find out a way to discover what account purchased the apps, checked credit card statement and no luck there either.
Already searched and couldn't really find anything to help. So I had the screen lock problem when you have the pattern and then your google account and pw never ends up working. Well I just reset my phone so now when I go back into market it makes me set up a google account and I try to sign in and it says this account does not have gmail and makes me set up a gmail and then that gmail account become the primary and then my purchased apps are not located in the market. And since google doesn't know what theyre doing I have to reset again to change the primary account.

I really don't know what my question really is... when I go to my account, k.bs09@hotmail, on google accounts and I look at google checkout and my apps are not located in there. I just need to find out a way to discover what account purchased the apps, checked credit card statement and no luck there either.

Does your bank not have on line banking?
Yeah this is all that shows : XX0681 POS PURCHASE GOOGLE *ICONCER GOOGLE.COM/CH CA 12345678 00900002
I really don't know what my question really is... when I go to my account, k.bs09@hotmail, on google accounts and I look at google checkout and my apps are not located in there. I just need to find out a way to discover what account purchased the apps, checked credit card statement and no luck there either.

Here's where I'm losing track of what you're saying. Because if you go on line that would show you what account purchased the apps.

Try this link. If it has my name on it then click the link to check under a different name. This is for Google Checkout. Hope that helps.
Awesome... Thanks for that last post. I didn't know google kept all that info like this.

Love it. Thanks.
I'd be more surprised if they didn't keep market sales records. Pretty much any company that does online or mail order sales keeps such records.
I'm not talking about sales. I'm talking saving every single solitary keystroke you input to "Google". It's 'Big Brother' in the private sector.
