I been looking all over the internet for a non rooted way to fix the storage issues.
I have 27 GB of available space on external drive and
306 MB on internal.
I still have this storage space warning. And I can't download small apps.
I have tried moving all the apps that allowed me to SD card and deleting some apps that won't allow movement. Yet the warning won't go away and I still can not download apps even though I know there is space still there.
I am trying to download a 1.32 MB app yet keep getting storage error!
Nothing I on the internet seem to talk about this issue. Only storage related talk on the web been about that 8gb pretty installed.
But that's not my problem . my problem is I have no way of downloading apps because of a lack of space yet I actually do have space. I honestly Dont see the point of buying this external SD card when I still keep getting this error.
I have 27 GB of available space on external drive and
306 MB on internal.
I still have this storage space warning. And I can't download small apps.
I have tried moving all the apps that allowed me to SD card and deleting some apps that won't allow movement. Yet the warning won't go away and I still can not download apps even though I know there is space still there.
I am trying to download a 1.32 MB app yet keep getting storage error!
Nothing I on the internet seem to talk about this issue. Only storage related talk on the web been about that 8gb pretty installed.
But that's not my problem . my problem is I have no way of downloading apps because of a lack of space yet I actually do have space. I honestly Dont see the point of buying this external SD card when I still keep getting this error.