cant boot into recovery?


Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
knox county TN
this problem has seemed to find its way onto both roms ive flashed so im sure its not the rom, but the only way i can get intoi recovery is a battery pull after i try ti manually boot into it, if i try from rom manager or bootstrap it gives me android guy with ! in a triangle with a little status bar at bottom that fills up then my phone reboots, ive tried older ver of recovery and everything. any ideas?
I thought the battery pull method was the only way to boot into recovery on a D2 and DX with bootstrap..?

DroidForums junkie!!
no , before i could use rom manager and boot into recovery to install roms and what not
Sent Spaz33g the link to this thread since he has more experience in the D2 department than me.

DroidForums junkie!!
Well I can't really think of anything since i've never encountered this problem. I guess you could try uninstalling it and reinstalling it and then bootstrapping recovery and try it again.

tappin and a talkin
what on the sd card is linked to clockwork mod recovery?
reason i ask is bc i just swapped my sd card from my evo to my droid 2 about same time problem arose.
i thought i erased all the things i needed and copied all the things i was suposed to but maybe i left some files from the evo on there and its looking for those?